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Pandemic is transforming the Retail Experience

The current market scenario has forced retailers to move their business online and adjust with the consumer needs. You'll be lost and forgotten if you don't start building your online community. It's like the old saying,

Be where the customer/market is...

So many businesses both B2C and B2B have started going digital - people who cannot afford to make an eCommerce site is offering video call shopping via booking appointments, some have started WhatsApp shopping via bombarding daily updates, in one or many ways everyone is looking for online alternatives to grow.

One of the biggest mistakes retailers are making is trying to replicate their brick & mortar shopping experience. Your consumers are not looking forward to the same experience online, they are used to the common online stores - of course, you can work on elevating the shopping experience by adding more and more features to the site.

This is an opportunity for retailers to grow their community size by providing quick shopping experience, quick deliveries, ease of shopping, discounts and offers, facilitating safe shopping and more. The cost of creating an online store is nothing compared to entering the world of consumers.

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